News — Soundscape
It’s Not Always About You….yes, it is!
Ancestry creative spirit Diary Genealogy Journal journaling life journal Memoir memories mental health pause Personal History self confidence Smellscape Soundscape Travel Art Travel Diary Travel Journal

It’s Not Always About You…yes, it is! There sometimes seems to be a notion floating out there that, if you do things for yourself, then you have some kind of ego problem. That’s simply not true; nor is it a healthy approach to this wonderful and magical short time we have here with family and friends and exploring an exciting world. A wonderful and busy view of the Fish Market in downtown Zihuatanejo, Mexico. If there were anything I could encourage you to do, it would be to put yourself first in more things in your life...
Landscape, Soundscape, Smellscape - Your Travel Journal Entries
archives blog Diary Hiking history Journal Landscape memories Paddling painting Personal History Sense of Smell Smell Smellscape Soundscape story Travel Art Travel Diary Travel Journal Vacation watercolour wildflowers

Breathtaking landscapes of the Missouri River in Montana on a 2 week canoe trip. Landscape, Soundscape, Smellscape - Your Travel Journal Entries Compelling Travel Journal entries come from all sorts of different perspectives. They come from different times of the day, different settings, different people and so many other sources. One of the simplest ways to record rich memories is to think about the landscapes you’re visiting, and give yourself a moment to reflect on that ‘sense of place’. Perhaps start using point-form and record simply what the place looks like. The ‘lay of the land’...