News — Diary
What's In It For Me? (the benefits of keeping a Travel Journal)
Diary Genealogy history Journal journaling life journal memories mental health Personal History self confidence story Travel Diary Travel Journal

What’s In It For Me? (the benefits of keeping a Travel Journal) Embarking on any kind of travel, whether it's a weekend getaway or a month-long adventure, can be an exhilarating experience. Certainly, creating unforgettable memories is an inherent part of traveling, and capturing those special moments and quiet reflections in a Travel Journal can add a whole new and unexpected dimension to your adventures. Beyond simply jotting down your itinerary, keeping a Journal offers so many benefits that go well beyond the duration of your trip. Let me give you a few of the benefits of...
Everyone Has A Story….yes….even you!
Ancestry creative spirit Diary Genealogy Journal journaling life journal Memoir mental health Personal History story Travel Diary Travel Journal

Everyone Has A Story…yes…even you! What would you want your grandchildren to know about the adventures in your life? Trust me….they will want to know ‘who you really were’! After decades working in the Museum and Archives field, there is one thing I’ve seen that so many seniors regret. Certainly, there are the standard things - more time with family, speaking up for yourself etc. To be sure, these are important to keep in mind throughout our lives. The one thing that I’m referring to is a regret, a sadness really, that they have nothing (or very...
Your Very Own Travel ‘Product Line’
Diary Hiking Journal journaling life journal Memoir memories Paddling painting Personal History story Travel Art Travel Diary Travel Journal

Your Very Own Travel ‘Product Line’ In this case, I used a small watercolour sketch I did on a paddle trip along stretches of the North Saskatchewan River - and I used that piece as the backdrop for my postcard-sized ‘Business Card’. Over the next few paragraphs, I’m going to convince you that you can have a ‘Product Line’ that reflects so much about who you are when you travel…and it’s a lot of fun too. Think about it. When you’re on the road for a winter vacation or a hiking trip, cycling tour, cruise etc.,...
Travel Journal Hacks #1 - Selecting Your Travel Journal - everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask!
Ancestry archives creative spirit Diary Genealogy history Journal journaling life journal Memoir memories Personal History story Travel Art Travel Diary Travel Journal

Travel Journal Hacks # 1 Selecting Your Travel Journal – everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask… After you’ve taken a Journal with you on a few trips, you’ll find that you begin to develop your own preferences. You’ll find that you have a certain the size of journal and page-count that you like. You’ll find there is a particular weight of paper that works for you, and so much more. Over the years of teaching others how to keep a Travel Journal, and after years of keeping them myself, it strikes me that...
Three Things The Canadian Arctic Taught Me About Keeping a Travel Journal
Ancestry creative spirit Diary Journal journaling life journal Memoir memories mental health Paddling Personal History self confidence story Travel Art Travel Diary Travel Journal

Three Things The Canadian Arctic Taught Me About Keeping a Travel Journal A few years ago, I was fortunate to be part of a crew of 12 adventurers who paddled the Mackenzie River. For the month of July, we paddled 1500km through some of Canada’s most spectacular scenery - and the whole way that Arctic landscape tested our metal. Loading our gear into 26' voyageur canoes at Fort Providence at the west end of Great Slave Lake. I kept the first page of my Journal to use as a 'title page' - something to try and set the...